The Sunday Post #28


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Random News And Goings-On


Second week of working from home and I think I finally am settling into a new routine? Although maybe not because I didn’t manage to get dressed more than twice last week and spent more than a couple days in my pjs. Business has gotten very slow for us at work and I’m starting to worry about how long this will be sustainable, but for now we’re limping along. Work is particularly stressful not only for the usual stuff but because we are switching over to a new web platform and the timing for all this is just very unfortunate. But my boss is oddly optimistic about it all, saying that at least we can work out all the kinks while business is slow and he doesn’t sound like he currently is thinking about laying any of us off.

In book land….I spent most of my nights last week working on editing the first episode of a podcast some of the other moderators and I are doing for r/fantasy–we’re calling it the r/Fantasy Modcast. It took a lot longer to edit than I thought it would, but I think it turned out pretty good. Hoping others are pleased with it. Not sure when it will be officially available but I hope soon! Other things I worked on last week–more stuff for r/fantasy con–scheduling and trying but mostly failing to read much.

On the one hand I am happy to be busy as it’s kept my mind off of, well, everything else going on in the world. BUT. I’m also feeling a bit overwhelmed and I feel my anxiety kicking in. My reading has taken a HUGE hit, unfortunately. Lack of time and anxiety. That being said I did binge read the entirety of the available installments of the Lore Olympus webtoon Friday night and most of the day Saturday. (It’s soooo good!).  I hope to get some other reading done today but we’ll see. I also want to get caught up on some blogging stuff (see lack of time above) and maybe start rearranging the computer/craft room upstairs that has become my temporary office because everything seems to be getting on my nerves (of course this could also be a byproduct of said anxiety…).

This week:  I still have more organizing for the con. I still have books to read. The bingo change over is this week, as well as the first panel I’ve personally arranged for the con (Predicative Fiction featuring Sarah Pinsker, Chuck Wendig, Mike Chen, Sabrina Vourvoulias, and Malka Older–this will be noon Eastern time on April 3rd, please stop by r/fantasy to check it out!). All of this while still dealing with work stuff. Sometimes…I bite off more than I can chew, we’ll see if this is one of those times I guess.

New Book Arrivals at Way Too Fantasy


My audible credits came in again! And I also picked up another book just because. You know, at first I wasn’t worried about my audio queue because it’s been fairly under control but with all of the distractions now and me already going into the year with an audio slump I should probably start thinking about taking a month or two break from audible until I can get my queue down a bit. Well. We’ll see. I haven’t used my 2 credits for this month yet, though! I might save them for sequels of series I’m in the middle of reading. But, for now….


  • In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker. Picked this one up when I saw Andrea from the Little Red Reviewer describe it as Outlander meets Twilight but minus werewolves. I was like ‘sold!’ in under thirty seconds. The audiobook was less than $12 so I thought, why the heck not? Treat yourself!

So only one new book acquisition in the last week, that’s not bad. Maybe I’ll be able to catch up with that TBR one of these days after all. 🙂

That’s the news for this week, please stay safe out there! Let me know how you’re getting along in the comments! I miss talking to people.

14 thoughts on “The Sunday Post #28

  1. Tammy says:

    I’m looking forward to checking out the Con! It definitely sounds like working on it has been good as far as keeping you busy and hopefully your anxiety down. Have a good week!

    • waytoofantasy says:

      We should have a world building panel going up today at some point soon, this is our first one so I’m sure it will be a learning experience. I also have a Fantasy Romance panel I’m in charge of and in the process of scheduling that one for the 20th (waiting for everyone to confirm) — should be a good mix of authors (J. Kathleen Cheney, Stephanie Burgis, Beth Cato, Quenby Olson, C.L. Polk). It’s been interesting just…emailing with all sorts of authors (I’ve ended up in a group email with Chuck Wendig, what has my life become? LOL).
      Working on it has both been extremely satisfying and extremely stressful. But it HAS kept my mind off other things.
      Thanks, Tammy! Hope you have a great week as well. Looks like you’ve been getting lots of reading time–that’s great to see. 🙂

  2. Zezee says:

    Aww man. That’s a lot you’re doing. Please let us know when the podcast goes live. I love listening to fantasy podcasts and am always looking for new ones to listen to, especially ones about SFF books and authors.
    Hope you anxiety gets better and the con goes smoothly.

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Thanks! We had our first panel yesterday (I thought it was worldbuilding by it was actually our queer sff panel) and it went really well! Everyone seemed to have fun with the discussion and no assholes showed up! 🙂 Hopefully the podcast will be soon, one of the mods is working on the artwork for it and then one of the other mods will be uploading it, he said it usually takes a day or two before it will show up on the apple and spotify sites but it will be there eventually so I’m thinking maybe mid-week our first episode will arrive, if not by the end of the week.

  3. marydrover says:

    Everyone keeps harping about how much free time they have now, but I’m with you! I feel like I have less free time than I did while everything was still “normal”. Then again, I guess I have read more, but it’s because I no longer have a yoga studio or a rock gym to go to, so the only place to take out my anxiety is in a book. Ugh. This is all just so weird and yucky.

    Lore Olympus is AMAZING. I literally just did the same thing last weekend and got all caught up on everything, though I missed this week’s, so I’m definitely off to do that right now, thanks for the reminder!

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Yes, it’s really weird and I both hate being so busy because it’s stressful but also I can’t seem to throw myself into reading because of anxiety so it’s all being thrown into miscellaneous projects. Definitely weird and yucky, I would like a refund on this year.

      I LOVED Lore Olympus, I can’t wait for the new episodes, it’s so good.

      • marydrover says:

        I have this Greek mythos in my head that I’ve written short stories for, but just haven’t had the capacity to write, and every time I read Lore Olympus, it’s a REAL struggle not to immediately dive in.

  4. @lynnsbooks says:

    Well, you’re certainly keeping in busy which is no doubt helping with the anxiety. I feel you though – I can barely function! You’d think I’d be diving into books willy nilly but it’s been quite the reverse.
    Lynn 😀

    • waytoofantasy says:

      It’s helping keep my mind off of things but then I’m getting anxious because I have over-committed and now have too many things I’m responsible for LOL. But things should calm down soon and I think by next week I can settle into some sort of ‘new normal’. Hope you can gain some sense of normalcy soon!

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