This Week in Reading: Perpetual Catch Up

Guys…I’ve come to the realization that I may have taken on too many books this year. Trying to keep up with new releases has quickly become ridiculous since there are SO MANY. And I haven’t even gotten to February yet! So, uh, I’ve just resigned myself to the fact that I’m going to be adding a lot of stuff to my TBR pile on top of the books from last year I didn’t get to.

In addition to all the new releases I’m still steadily working my way through ARC’s and review copies. I’m making progress but it’s slower than I’d hoped, mainly because I keep getting distracted by other books (which isn’t a bad thing, but I also definitely want to get more caught up too).

The good news is that I have slowed down on taking review requests to catch up so that’s helping. Also, I’m getting ahead on my blogging again, slowly but surely. My drafts folder is still more full than I’d like but I’m getting there. And, best of all, I realized that I can use my ‘swap out one square’ rule for the r/fantasy bingo for the last square I haven’t finished to switch it to something that matches with what I’ve already read and that means I’m finished my card! (The bad news is that I still have to start making the 2019 card…)

Anyway, so last week I finished up Minimum Wage Magic by Rachel Aaron. Quite fun and what I’ve come to expect from her writing. I also listed to Dracul by Dacre Stoker and J.D. Barker which I really liked and definitely have thoughts on. I received an ARC of Thornbound by Stephanie Burgis and read that over the weekend–oh my gosh you guys, it’s so good, I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you all. I also read a romance novel, Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner. I’m really digging Rose Lerner’s historical romances–her male protagonists are just my sort of thing (no alpha-holes here).

So this week I’ll be continuing progress on Sisters of the Fire by Kim Wilkins, a netgalley request I need to get through. I’m only a little of the way into the book but am enjoying it so far.

On audio I started The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty. I’m about 40% through it so far and holy crap. This book, you guys!!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!! (that was a good ‘ah’) I fully expect to finish this up pretty quickly because it’s just so good I’ve been listening to it every second I have a chance to.

Next up on audio is The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi. Yay, finally! I’m so excited to get to this book. It’s a lot shorter than I thought it was, but that’s fine because my TBR is way too long. I should also be able to get through this in 2-3 days and then it’s onto the next!

If I manage to finish up Sisters of the Fire then I’m going to dive into the next Discworld book, The Light Fantastic. Actually, I lie, I may start that even before I finish up the other book because I’d like to have it done before the end of the month in order to keep up with my Discworld reading goal.

So, those are my plans for this week but we’ll see what happens because I’m sure I’ll get side-tracked at some point. 😀  What is everyone else reading this week? Leave a note in the comments, I’d love to hear from you!

18 thoughts on “This Week in Reading: Perpetual Catch Up

  1. evelynreads1 says:

    Is kingdom of copper good on audio? I was think abnout listening to City of brass, but I was still doubting a bit.
    Good luck with your reading!


  2. Realms of My Mind says:

    I’m teetering on the edge of losing control of my ARC TBR pile, trying to be a very good girl and not request things for a bit! I especially have a ton of backlog books I want to get to, so I feel your pain. But it looks like this is the week I finally get to Foundryside, so I’m excited!

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Foundryside is one in my backlog too. And I know I don’t have a *ton* of review requests hanging out there, three overdue for indie authors and 3 netgalley requests, then some new indie author requests coming up in a couple months as due… so it shouldn’t take me long to catch up but still, I feel it looming lol. I also have a pile of books I’ve been sent for review out of the blue which I am trying to get to as well.
      And then all my normal reading. It’s tough being a mood reader! Lol!

      • Realms of My Mind says:

        Tell me about it! I’m trying to find a balance of mood reading with staying committed to getting certain things read. And I have several suspended holds at the library that I really want to get to, but I mentally have trouble squeezing them in. Next month I’m trying out giving myself a goal reads list that is purposefully more than I can reasonably get to and see if that gives me mood-read flexibility while relieving the stress of FINISH IT ALL.

      • waytoofantasy says:

        I have 4 books I’m taking back to the library today that are due tomorrow that I didn’t have time to get to……yeah.
        That sounds like a good plan! Good luck to us both. 🙂

    • waytoofantasy says:

      I’m at 80% now on the sequel and it’s amazing. Everything I loved about the first one ramped up. Also the things that annoyed me in the first one are gone from this one.
      I love Nevernight! Omg, speaking of, Jay Kristoff just announced a new book coming out in 2019. Something about vampires and it’s going to be illustrated, it sounds amazing.

  3. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum says:

    Oh is Kingdom of Copper really that amazing?! I’ve been kind of putting it off because of the length and the fact my ARC was unsolicited so some of my review copies had to take priority first. But now sounds like I need to bump it up!

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Lol that’s a fun way to look at it. 😀

      Thanks! I just started it so not sure what to think. Maybe should have gotten a physical copy instead of audio because I don’t think I’m compatible with one of the narrators, oh well lol. Looking forward to getting further into it though!

  4. @lynnsbooks says:

    Bookish problems – I can relate. I’m being really good with requests though (atm) because i found I was being far too optimistic about how many books I could get through – and review. And, it just adds pressure and makes the read less enjoyable – so I’m putting my more ‘restrained’ head on and trying to catch up.
    Lynn 😀

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Yeah, I haven’t made any new requests and I’m being careful about saying ‘yes’ to requests that come in. It’s tough being restrained because I get distracted so easily haha. 😀

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