This Week in Reading: Totally Off The Tracks

Well, last week I did at least finish a few things! I wrapped up Daughter of the Forest (loved it!) and How to Fracture a Fairy Tale. I also read two other books not on my list (a novella by K.J. Parker – The Devil You Know, and Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews) and started another book which I would have finished yesterday had I not got distracted by watching a new kdrama.

I also spent part of the long weekend cataloging all the new books I’ve gotten in the last couple of months and going through my giant stack of books on the stairs, seeing what I needed to put away and what needed to remain in my TBR pile. Then I hauled a bunch of books upstairs to be put away having all intentions to deflate my air mattress and reorganize my library, but that never happened because I started reading instead. Whoops. πŸ™‚ At least things are now somewhat organized?

So I still have some review requests I need to get through but right now I’m working on some fast reads. I want to see how many books I can get through before the end of the year. This has already been my biggest reading year in…well, forever (if I don’t count that year I went through a box of 80 or 90 Harlequin romances in a month) and I kind of want to see how far I can go with it. So I’m going to be reading books I think I’ll enjoy and will be quick. Still have my review commitments so I’ll work them in and see how they go. Hopefully they’ll also be quick reads!

We’ll see how things go. Last night I started coming down with a soar throat and thought maybe it was just a fluke, but no. It appears I am sick. Woke up with it even worse and running a slight fever.

I also am terribly behind on reading everyone else’s blogs and need to spend some time catching up with everyone. (Why am I so behind on everything?)

So, these are my planned reads for this week. I’m already haflway through both Roar of Sky by Beth Cato and Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. Still hoping to get to Windcatcher by A.J. Norfield this week but it really depends what I’m in the mood for. Looking forward to Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa because I’ve heard so many great things about that one.

So, that’s my tentatively planned week. What’s everyone else reading? Leave a note in the comments, I’d love to hear fromΒ  you!

17 thoughts on “This Week in Reading: Totally Off The Tracks

  1. Tammy says:

    Good luck with your GR challenge! I’m slightly ahead on mine so hopefully I can surpass my goal by a couple of books. I’m reading three books at once which is never a good thing for me, struggling to like two and loving one. It’s going to be that type of week, lol!

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Thanks! I actually met my GR challenge, I’m just going for overkill at this point. πŸ™‚
      I hear you on the multiple book thing! I’m usually doing two because of different mediums but if I’m on three or more it’s because at least one is a struggle. Good luck!

  2. Realms of My Mind says:

    I’ve been on my library’s wait list for the ebook copy for SHADOW OF THE FOX for the last month but I’m allllmost off! Can’t wait to share reactions. πŸ™‚ Right now I’m working on the last book in the Hail Bristol/Indranan War trilogy.

  3. PerfectlyTolerable says:

    I am completely behind on everything too!! And I can’t even blame it on the Holidays! I hope you get caught up and I am sorry you are sick! Feel better ❀ Also, I love all 4 covers on your TBR ❀

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Yeah, I totally can’t blame the holidays either lol. Thanks! The covers are great although I think Inlike the UK cover for The Shadow of the Fox just a smidge better than the US one. πŸ™‚

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Thanks! Yeah, it was long but good. Definitely worth putting in the time for that one. Planning on continuing them at some point. πŸ™‚ Thank you! Me too. This is the second time I’ve had a cold/flu this year and I’m kind of over it.

  4. @lynnsbooks says:

    Good luck with your self imposed reading sprint to the finish line.
    The problem I find with being behind is that you’ve got this horrible scrabbling around feeling and it just makes it feel that catching up will be impossible. I have on occasion just had to draw a line and say ‘these things below the line are now not going to happen’ – it makes me feel bad but if I make the decision I can then feel less under pressure.
    Get better soon.
    Lynn πŸ˜€

  5. Zezee says:

    I need to read Norse Mythology too and get some book cataloging done. I’m usually on top of recording my books, but have fallen off recently.
    Currently back to reading the Stand by Stephen King. I still don’t like it.

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Norse Mythology was interesting, because he told them like stories he’d just written instead of relating a myth, which made them more readable in a way.
      I loved Shadow of the Fox! That book was so much fun.
      Thanks, feeling much better although have some congestion hanging about still, darn flu!

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