Friday Favorite Five: Superhero Movies


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Favorite Five Superhero Movies

Well, with Avengers: Endgame almost upon us, I thought it would be a good time to talk about some of my favorite Superhero movies. Now, I am not a reader of Superhero comics at all (with the exception of a few GenX back in the day). But I do love movies! And originally I thought this would be a tough list for me because I wouldn’t be able to think of many I loved but it’s turned out to be tough because there are too many. I guess a good problem to have. 🙂  So, here we go. I’m about to show my age and extremely bad taste with this post–don’t say I didn’t warn you! 😀

  • Superman (1978)

superman poster

Heckin yeah, I’m going old school. My husband is fond of saying all the best things came from the ’70’s and, as someone who was born in the ’70’s, I’d have to agree. Superman staring Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder is such a great movie. For me, there’s really no other Superman other than Reeve (although, ok, haters gonna hate, but I actually kind of like Brandon Routh in Superman Lives. Actually, I like Superman Lives, period. Bring on the hate mail!)  Anywho. Love this movie! And maybe some of the sequels. Sorry not sorry. 😀



  • Logan (2017)

logan poster


Me:  I’m so tired of grim superhero movies.

Also me:  Holy shit, Logan is amazing.

For me, Logan was more than just another superhero movie staring mutants. There are all sorts of themes it’s grappling with. It’s brutal and a bit unrelenting but still, not without hope. Hugh Jackman just blows me away with his performance here too. Such a great movie.




  • The Avengers (2012)

avengers poster

First of all, 2012?!?!  Has it really been that long since the first Avengers movie???? Crap, I’m getting old! Ahem.

The Avengers was SUCH a fun movie and really a treat after all the lead up to it. I love how everyone gets their time to shine in the movie. Even Loki! In fact, it was a couple of weeks after seeing this movie that I took in a little black kitten someone had found in a box and Loki has been with me ever since. (He’s getting old too, I suppose.) Needless to say, this movie has a special place in my heart. ❤



  • Batman (1989)

batman poster

I know, out of all the Batmans, why the 1989 version? First of all, how dare you come at my childhood like that. Second of all, 1989 Batman is amazing. It’s just the right amount of serious and whackadoo thrown together. Jack Nicholson as the The Joker is hilarious and amazing and I may have gotten some fly fashion pointers from that character (green and purple forever).

I admit I have a lot of fondness for this movie because of childhood nostalgia, and even though I like darker Batman, I do love Michael Keaton in this role. Who  thought to cast him as Batman/Bruce Wayne? They deserve kudos imo.


  • Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

thor ragnarok poster

This movie has everything I love:  Thor being all badass, Loki being all Loki, humor, Cate Blanchett, crazy action, space ships, capes, cool special effects…. I could go on. I do especially love the special effects they used while filming the flashback scene of the Valkyries. It was just so beautiful to look at. I also thought the whole style of the movie was pretty cool from the posters to the fonts used on the credits and such, tying it in with Guardians a bit. It’s probably the strongest of the Thor films. (Although, I kind of like all of them–I said I had questionable taste, okay?)




Oh, is that five already? Damn. I guess I’ll also sneakily add Wonder Woman because that movie was amazing as well and I thought they did a fantastic job with her character arc in the film. So, those are my picks! What are your favorites? Leave me a note in the comments, I’d love to see your thoughts!


24 thoughts on “Friday Favorite Five: Superhero Movies

  1. Realms of My Mind says:

    Avengers, Wonder Woman, Into the Spider-Verse are all amazing, but my FAVORITE superhero movie is THE INCREDIBLES. Full Stop. Partially because I have LIVED that scene at the dinner table (minus the super powers). It’s a superhero movie that *gets* family and I love it to death.

  2. PerfectlyTolerable says:

    Oh man I don’t think I could limit myself to 5! My favorite two are Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor Ragnorock but after that there are like 15 amazing ones! And that isn’t even counting TV shows! (I just binge watched all 10 hours of the Umbrella academy in two nights)

  3. Zezee says:

    I was just talking about that old Batman movie a couple days ago. I was saying how much I dislike the recent DC movies and prefer the old ones.
    That’s sweet you got a little Loki after seeing the Avengers. That was my favorite Marvel movie until Infinity War came along.
    Logan was so much more than a superhero movie. I entirely agree. It has such depth and drama to it. I loved it.

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Yeah, the older DC movies were so much fun. I’m not sure what they’re trying to do now except cash in on a trend.
      Infinity War is great too! Honestly, I kind of love all of the ensemble movies.

  4. bookbeachbunny says:

    Logan is in my top 5 as well! I don’t think I’ve ever cried so hard. I also think I’d go with Infinity War, The Dark Knight Rises (I loved the ending), Batman Returns, Wonder Woman and sneak in the Dark Knight.

    • waytoofantasy says:

      Those are all good choices too. I think I didn’t go with the dark knight batman films only because I’m a little burned out on grimness at the moment lol. But they’re great movies!

  5. benmc47 says:

    All worthy entries, although I’d never include the ’89 Batman film in my list. Remember when listing your five favorite superhero movies was pretty easy because all there was was Superman, Batman Begins, Spider-Man 2, X-Men 2 and Iron Man? Man, things sure have changed in the last ten years!

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